March 14, 2008

Health Update (For Real)

Yesterday I had titled my post Health Update thinking I was going to blog about my recent doctor's visits. I decided not to but forgot to change the title. But today I am going to blog about my health.

Friday the 14th (exactly one month after finding out I was pregnant) I went to the doctor for some liver function tests. In November 2005 I had taken some birth control and it made my liver go haywire. I had many tests done, had my common bile ducts scoped etc. I saw a liver specialist and he was the one who figured it was probably due to my birth control. When your liver goes haywire it creates more of a chemical called Billirubin and your body has to find a way to get it out of your system so it seeps through your skin. It causes an insane itching all over your body that you cannot stop or control. I had begun to have the same itching again and thought it would be best to have my liver functions tested so I knew I wasn't allergic to the prenatal vitamins or something else.

Monday afternoon my doctor called me back and said my liver functions were elevated and I needed to return for more blood work. This time they wanted to do a CBC (complete Blood Count) to make sure everything else was functioning properly. They said my AST and ALT results were the two that were elevated. Your normal if your AST is between 20-30 and mine were at 92. Your normal if your ALT is between 6-10; mine are at 218. So Tuesday morning I had an appointment to discuss the results and what I needed to do from there. She wanted to do an ultrasound of my organs (pancreas, liver, where my Gall Bladder would be had it not been removed etc). They all seemed to be functioning and appearing just fine. They drew more blood and were going to run other tests on it. She was also going to talk to a liver specialist and see what they thought about it. Tuesday afternoon the liver specialist said I needed to be monitored but they didn't think they needed to see me yet or have my pregnancy placed at high risk. That was good news to me!

Last night my doctor called me and my liver functions they tested on Tuesday came back elevated again. My AST that was at 92 on Friday had risen to 101. My ALT that was 218 is now at 290 ( now a whole 280 points above the highest average range). She told me she had spoken to an OB doctor that specializes in high risk pregnancies and they both thought it was very urgent that I see a liver specialist no more than two weeks from now but the sooner the better. Now I am waiting to hear from the liver specialist to figure out exactly what this means for me and the baby. My doctor said that pregnancy can cause a lot of funky things to happen with your body and maybe my body just has trouble handling a baby growing inside of me. We'll wait and see.

Pray for me! And I will keep you posted on when the appointment with the specialist is.

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