March 20, 2008

Little Miss Gabby

Yesterday DJ got to pick up our puppy from the vet. He was so excited. . . until they were leaving. When they brought Gabby out tho the front of the clinic DJ said she was running around like crazy and was the happiest he had ever seen her. He said this was amazing considering the afternoon before she had been spade and had a puppy abortion. He said she was fine until they headed to the door. When she realized she was going towards the exit she got really slow and barely moved. When DJ got her out the first set of doors she stopped and tried to go back in. After a few minutes of dragging her to the truck, he put her inside and she sat far away from him staring out the window pouting. He said she took her time making it into the apartment and when he opened the door for her to go inside she turned around and went the other way. She wanted nothing to do with him. When he did get her inside she sat at the patio door staring at the corner of the wall. Poor puppy!

But she has always had an attiutde so it didn't come as a shock that she reacted this way. The vet did say that she seemed pregnant - she just wasn't far enough along to have formed the puppies yet. DJ said he couldn't stand living with two pregnant woman because she is a lot worse than I am!

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