July 24, 2008

28 Weeks

We went to the Doctor yesterday for our follow up ultra sound and 28 week check up. I had to take my glucose test - the drink really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and we'll know the results by Tuesday at the latest.

We are going to have a big baby girl! Right now at 28 weeks she weighs in at 3lbs 4oz. That puts her at 11 days heavier than she should be. :) I'm glad she's going to be big - not for the pain factor but because I think bigger babies seem healthier. They are still predicting I will deliver around October 11th also. I thought I had gained over 30 pounds already but the Doctor said I probably weighed myself when I was retaining water on a hot day. I'm really close though. Since the last time we went in I have gained 14 pounds - making it 28 pounds total. My doctor told me I need to keep my portions smaller. I tried to do that today and 40 minutes after I had eaten I was starving again. I am going to try to keep my portions about the same but just start walking every night. We'll see how it goes. They do say your body gains as much weight as it needs to though. DJ laughed at me though because I am close to weighing as much as him and we both know I will pass him up before I deliver. :)

She was so cute. When we first started the ultra sound she was making a sucking motion with her mouth. Too see her little lips moving made me so happy. Her heart is beating 30 beats per minute.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I assumed the baby was a girl when the invite was on pink paper! Do you have a name picked out?