October 10, 2008

Taylor Drew DeHerrera

Our little bundle of joy has made her debut to the world! DJ and I could not be happier. She was born Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 5:59 pm. She weighs 8lbs 5oz and is 21 inches long. She was the largest baby born at the hospital that day.

She is a very sweet little baby girl. I couldn't imagine her being any different than she is. She has a full head of long dark brown hair (hopefully she keeps it all because it is so cute!) and her eyes are dark blue. She has DJ's nose and toes and DJ says she has my eyes and my lips. She also has my ears and fingers.
The labor was very easy for me. DJ and I checked into the hospital at 6am and got set up in our room. At 7:25 they started my IV and began administering the patosin. At 8:25 my doctor came in and broke my water. Three minutes later I was having strong contractions. I went through about 5 contractions and decided to get the epideral. The rest of the day was awesome. I felt no pain, had no worries or problems besides the fact that I wasn't able to eat. Around 5pm I began pushing and she was born at 5:59pm.

Now we are at home and learning about each other. She doesn't like being undressed but other than that she hardly cries at all. Last night, our first night at home, she only woke up three times - once at 10pm, 1:30am and again at 5:30am. I think she is going to be an easy baby to take care of and DJ is amazing with her so that will make things very easy. He is going to be a great dad.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

She's beautiful. So glad you are all doing well and settling in. Give her a kiss for me. Thanks for your call Friday; I enjoyed chatting with you.