February 23, 2009

Tears To My Eyes

Weeks ago I couldn't find anything interesting enough to blog about. This week is seems like everything is blog worthy.

Yesterday I added a post about being healthy. Today I was still on track. Mid-afternoon I needed a huge energy boost and instead of opting for the usual pop or coffee I decided to try an energy bar. I've had some pretty good ones before but thought I would try a new one. I understand being healthy isn't very appealing sometimes but when I saw the flavor was chocolate brownie I couldn't resist. What's better when you're trying to be healthy than a "healthy" serving of brownies?!?

So energy bar in hand I feel pretty good about my decision. . . until I open it of course! Here's what I find - In my opinion it looked and smelt like tar! You have to have a lot of will power when it comes to staying healthy. Normally I would have just had fruit or veggies for a little boost but the only thing my building offers is a 7-11 type convenience store.

What would you normally find in my purse? DJ says I have too much junk in my purse because it takes me forever to find what I am looking for. The usual "Junk" in my purse is a wallet, camera, i-pod, pens, check book, the occasional bottle of nail polish, lotion, chap stick, planner, mascara. Just usual stuff you could find in just about any woman's purse. (look closely and see if you can find the unusual something). . . But as I sat on the bus this morning digging through my purse, trying to find my i-pod, I ran across the sign that said I wasn't meant to go to work today. As I got to the bottom of my purse I found an extra set of keys. . . Taylor's keys. These colorful little keys are one of her favorite toys and I was taking them to work with me. It brought a tear to my eye and I realized just how blessed I was to find special little presents in the bottom of my purse.

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