October 23, 2009

Upcoming Events

I am so happy today is Friday. We have a great weekend planned. 

Tonight is date night for DJ and I. Technically I don't know if I would call it date night though because Taylor will still be with us. Our plan is to eat at my favorite little mom'n'pop Italian restaurant and then after Taylor goes to bed, watch a movie together - hopefully The Proposal. 

Tomorrow morning we are going to Preston's football game. He was just moved up to Junior varsity Thursday night - quit and honor for a Freshman. In the afternoon one of the local high schools will be holding a treak-or-treat party inside so we are dressing Taylor up in her costume and heading there for a while. 

Sunday afternoon we are going to a pumpkin patch. I can't wait. This is my favorite pumpkin patch and DJ and I haven't been there since the first year we were together- our first Halloween together and first year we lived together too. I am so excited for Taylor to experience this. I will take a lot of pictures. 

Taylor is getting in her two bottom outside teeth - teeth 7 and 8. She is pretty miserable. I think the pain is worse at night when she isn't doing anything to distract her from it. Hopefully they finish coming in soon. 

Stay tuned for the unveiling of the halloween costume. Last year she was cute as a lady bug but hated being dressed up. This year she looks even cuter and doesn't mind the costume.

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