August 18, 2010

Motivation, Productivity and Babies

Here I mentioned the trip DJ and I are taking in exactly 21 days. I am so excited. But so disappointed in myself. As we were driving home from our travel agents office I told DJ I was excited that I had 7 weeks to get into shape for the trip. I even bought a new Pilate's DVD. I haven't worked out once! How sad. But after cleaning, doing homework, chasing Taylor, folding laundry and running errands I have no motivation to work out. I think I might have been more motivated if I were going to a gym to work out. So now my question to you is, how do you motivate yourself? I should be eager to go work out, try to lose the rest of my baby weight (still) but there is none. Any tips or suggestions? I am forcing myself to do pilates tonight regardless of how tired I am. I am also going to force myself to go running every morning until we leave for our trip. I don't even have any motivation to be active. :o( Maybe if my sister were here I would have someone kicking my butt to work out. . . )

I was so proud of myself today. Taylor and I got so much accomplished by the time DJ woke up. He woke up at 12:30pm but I had already finished so much! (For those that don't remember, DJ works nights. It's not that he is lazy and sleeping all day). We woke up, (I even skipped a shower!!) took my car to the car wash and cleaned it inside and outside. We ran to the grocery store, dropped off DJ's birthday gift for hiding, and came home. When we got home we cleaned Taylor's room top to bottom. This may not seem like a big feat but for me it was. Everything I tried putting away, Taylor pulled something else out. But we got her toys sorted into the correct toy bins (stuffed animals and babies in one and toys in another) and got an entire trash bag full of toys to do something with (undecided but more in this post later). We organized her books and got rid of some, organized her clothes, got her fall clothes ready. I also did 2 loads of laundry, cooked chicken, boiled eggs, cleaned and organized our pantry and did dishes. Dishes are a big thing for me too because we don't have a dish washer. It felt so good. Now I just have to figure out what to do with these fall clothes of hers. I either buy more hangers or find some where to put all of this. . .

until I box up her summer clothes. I know I jumped the gun by unpacking them and washing them but by the time fall comes we will be so busy and I didn't want to worry about it when I am trying to find her a sweater. So, do I keep these toys for future baby use (explained below) or sell them in our garage sale next week?

Ahhh Babies. Who doesn't love babies? Well I love love love babies. Actually, I have had baby fever for months and months now. It's no fun. I get all giddy when I see a pregnant woman, get the tingly feeling like goose bumps when I see newborn babies even on TV commercials. I crave having another baby. The feeling is just unreal. It takes over your entire body and mind.  DJ avoids this subject and is not on the same page with me. :o) Random thoughts always pop into my head when I am in the shower and the other day it dawned on me that it's not just baby fever that I have. Yes, I want to be pregnant, yes I want another baby. But I realized the feeling I have is also a feeling of wanting to complete our family. I love our family the way it is, don't get me wrong. But I always thought we would have at least 2 kids and lately I feel like we are lacking a family member. Has this happen to anyone else or have I lost a few marbles?? It's not an ideal time to have babies for us so I hope you don't get the impression we are trying or will be soon. I just hope this insane baby fever goes away soon before I totally lose it. Plus, by the time I have DJ convinced that we need more kids, I will have graduated college already.

Continuing with the baby subject, Taylor is obsessed with her baby doll now. Baby goes everywhere. Baby has even had to be in some family photo's lately because Taylor can't part from her. We spend most afternoon's changing baby's clothes, feeding her, fixing her hair (which is painted on), fixing her bib, etc. (I know baby is not the best name for a doll but it's all Taylor can understand). Every night Taylor falls asleep with Baby and I always move her so Taylor doesn't have to sleep on top of her. Well tonight Taylor woke up crying and asking for Baby. She fell back asleep rubbing the back of Baby's head. I explained to DJ that Taylor would make a great big sister and she needed a real baby to play with. ;o) He told me as soon as Taylor is broken of the habbit of coming into bed with us at night and is able to fall asleep on her own without me 'cuddling'  her until she is fully asleep, we can talk about more babies. . . I think a good week of sleepless nights is in my future. :o)
What's the best tried and true techniques for keeping your kids in their own beds at night?

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