August 26, 2012

Full Speed Ahead!

My days around here have been jam packed! Originally I started writing this post back on the 13th. I was detailing all the events that have been filling my days but half way through the post I realized no one really wants to hear how busy I've been for the past two weeks. Just to give you a glimpse of what our days have been looking like, here's what we did on the 13th and 14th. . . .

On the 13th I went through every room in the top level of our house. If something was out of place or where it didn't belong we put it back. We organized all the rooms and cleaned them top to bottom. Lucky for DJ he was working while Taylor and I did this. Taylor and I even set up a 'study' area in the office for her so we can do homework together.

We finished laundry and cleaning and moved on to doing crafts. We finally painted the wooden horse my dad made her last April when we were in Kansas City. We also went grocery shopping, played with the neighbors and did a bunch of research on stuff that's been piling up (more on that later).

Tuesday, the 14th we were super busy. It was Carrie's birthday so early in the morning Taylor and I made her a S'mores ice cream cake. We were working on a small landscaping project in the back yard so we also moved a bunch of rock in the back yard to help DJ out. I only moved half of it. Then we finished laundry, cleaned all three bathrooms and went to celebrate Carrie's birthday. I also made a trip to the school campus to purchase my books for the semester. No fun! That night I went to a seminar with Carrie for Preston's football fundraising. That night I stayed up super late working on Carrie's birthday gift. I ordered a photo album online and what I got was not what I expected. Instead we got a scrapbook album so I spent the next few days completing a scrapbook of our camping trip for her.

Needless to say we've been busy. Really busy. But it's all been good things. We've been busy with back to school night, cleaning out a little girls closet just to fill it with new school clothes and shoes, baking pies from scratch, going to football scrimmages, starting school and doing homework, cleaning out my car, checking items off my to-do list.

By the end of the month I think things will slow down and for that I am grateful! I promise to have more exciting posts once my life slows down a bit!

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