November 6, 2012

Bunch of Nothing

There hasn't been a whole lot going on around here lately. It's been a pretty good thing . . . I think.

Midterms have come and gone. I got an 87% on my Anatomy and Physiology Midterm. I was pretty excited about that little tid bit and the fact that there wasn't a midterm for my Sociology class. Then the next test went really well too. . .

 Registration for the Spring semester opens up next Wednesday at midnight. I know the classes I'll be taking - Anatomy and Physiology II and Pathophysiology. In February I am applying for the Nursing program and that will start next October. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get in :o) On another note, there are about 4 weeks left in the semester - is it bad that I am already making a mental note of things I want to do on my break from school?

Is anyone else over all these political ad's we've been seeing? The ones that play back to back to back and it's almost the only type of commercial airing? I officially decided last night that we've seen too many. Right after we finished eating dinner we were watching the news and Taylor kept saying: "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message", "I'm Joe Miklosi and I approve this message", "I'm Joe Coors and I approve this message". Then she started mixing the names up and said, "I'm Mitt Coors and I approve  this message". We were cracking up.

Taylor and I made popcorn last night. She wanted to eat it while we watched the Voice. She wants to be a singer so she loves watching all the people sing and I love Adam Levine. :o) We decided to spice up our popcorn and add M&M's to it . . .

Today we're taking a trip to the park with Daddy and Gabby and trying to make cake pops. Wish us luck!

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