April 7, 2008

Back Up And Running

I'm to get everyone all caught up. . .

Well folks, I am finally back up and running! Last week we had a holiday on Monday, good old Cesar Chavez Day, but I would have called in sick anyways. Tuesday I got fully ready for work and drove down to my office in the early morning Denver traffic. . . only to realize when I got here that I was still so sick there was no way I was going to make it through the day. So I turned around and drove back home. Wednesday I came to work but it took every ounce of energy I had to last the day. Thursday I also came to work but got told by my supervisor that I "Looked like crap" and needed to go home. With our office being so busy with the opening of baseball season our office couldn't afford to have anyone else get sick. They also told me not to bother showing up on Friday because I needed to get better. So I lounged around my house, got a lot of sleep in and did some laundry. Basically I was a bum. Friday night was the first night all week I had to work my second job. It wasn't too bad. But Saturday was a drag because I had to work until 11.

Saturday afternoon I went shopping for maternity clothes again. I haven't bought any shirts yet, just jeans and Capri's. But I never realized how expensive maternity clothes were!! I tried on a cute collared tank top that was nothing special. I could wear it all summer and also wear it to work which was a plus. But just a simple tank top that could be found at a Target was going to be $54!! Why so much?!?!?! I didn't understand it. I do have to admit that I love the sale racks even more now. Plus, the empire waist is a new trend now and everyone seems to be sporting the baby doll shirts. I can buy regular cloths, obviously a few sizes larger than I normally would and still have room to grow in them! what a plus! I think I truly am getting bigger everyday because today as I was walking through my office I looked down and think I am more round today than I was last night. Is that possible??

Well I visit with the liver specialist in the morning. I have no idea what they want to look at or what they will tell me. So far the pregnancy has been great ever since my liver functions started slowly returning to normal. I have no complaints . . . other than the crabbiness and nausea I experience when I'm not able to eat when I get hungry. I've realized baggies of trail mix and granola bars are going to be my best friend and something that will always be found in my purse. Next Monday we see the Doctor for my 4 month check up. Can you believe it? 4 months already! It's going by pretty fast!

I'm going to post a picture tonight of the baby bump!

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