April 11, 2008

Weird Sleeping Habits

I have read in books and heard from other woman that once they became pregnant they had nightmares. I laughed about it and just thought it was funny. Well, not only has being pregnant started causing weird things to happen to my body, but I have also picked up some weird sleeping habits.

The first few weeks of my pregnancy I had very scary dreams; dreams of death, kids being abducted, etc. The nightmares finally stopped and my sleeping habits returned to normal. Now not only am I waking up at least once every night to use the restroom due to the large amounts of water I am in taking, but I'm also acting very weird throughout the night. DJ thinks it's hilarious. I think it's a bit scary. A few weeks ago I was dreaming that I was doing yard work and we needed more trash bags. Apparently, I got out of bed, went into the cabinet under the kitchen sink and pulled out unused trash bags. The next morning when DJ woke up for work there were trash bags lying in the middle of our bedroom floor. The only explanation I had was that I know I dreamt about trash bags that night. Last night I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. DJ woke me up and we crawled into bed. He said it wasn't even 5 minutes after we had gotten into bed that I began talking to him. He told me the only thing I said to him was "yeah". He asked me what I was saying "yeah" for and I told him, "yeah, about the kids' bikes". That's when he realized I was sleeping and he woke me up. I told him I only remembered I was dreaming we had two little boys and we were giving them each a blue bike with training wheels. That was all I remembered.

Is this normal when you are pregnant?

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