May 21, 2008


DJ and I went to the Doctor yesterday for our 20 week check up! Can you believe it's already 20 weeks? When I first started this blog and found out I was pregnant I was only 6 weeks and 4 days! Time has gone by so fast! (Technically I am only 19 weeks and 4 days but who's really counting).

She was so cute! She wouldn't sit still for the life of her and it took 45 minutes to get all the pictures they needed. They took pictures of her brain, her heart, her organs, limbs and everything else. She was going to town in there just moving around! She even had the hiccups which was the cutest. The doctor said there have been studies that show that hiccups are a great sign showing unborn babies are getting a good oxygen flow. I can't wait until she's big enough for me to start feeling her hiccups and every move. She has all her toes and fingers and everything with her looked perfect. She's about 9 inches long and weighs about 11 ounces. I know most people say "Don't think it's a boy/girl depending on what the Dr. says because I was told I was having a boy but had a girl" or vice verse. Well this little girl was 'already showing off' as our doctor put it so they are about 95% sure she's a girl!

The only bad news the Doctor had to report was on me. It turns out I'll have to give up the ice cream. . . Instead of gaining two pounds (like they told me to) I gained 7 1/2 since our last visit on April 28th! Hahaha. So far this pregnancy I have gained 15 pounds. Meaning instead of a pound a week that is suggested weight gain, I am gaining about 2 1/2! More walking and less Rocky Road! But because I was so skinny when I got pregnant my Doctor said it wasn't too much to worry about but they would like me to cut back. :)

Now here comes the hard part. . . . finding a name! We are both very excited now and can't wait!


Nancy said...

Oh goody! Another great-niece for me! Oh what fun you're going to have. She's absolutely precious and oh so perfect.
Hey, don't feel bad about the 7 1/2 pound weight gain. With Alison, I had a month where I gained 9 1/2. And I ended up only gaining the recommended 30 pounds. You'll be fine, even with Rocky Road.

Aunti Jess said...

Ahh. So im totally excited that its a girl. i knew it would be cause all you losers wanted a boy. cant wait to see her. =)