May 23, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

I know everyone is very busy celebrating Memorial Day so I wanted to get this posted before everyone abandoned their computers for the long weekend.

Last Saturday DJ and I went to an unveiling of a new statue built in a nearby park. It is to honor all the fallen soldiers of Colorado. The statue is called "Grieving Friends" and is absolutely amazing. Surrounding the statue are marble pillars, one for each branch of the military. Engraved on the front of the pillar is the symbol for the specific branch (the Marines pillar has an eagle, globe and anchor). People made donations and paid for engraved bricks to be laid with each soldiers name. The ceremony was very nice. They started with a Black Hawk Helicopter fly over, followed by the presenting of the colors. There were speeches given by the city's mayor, a Sargent spoke and then each soldiers name was read aloud. After the unveiling white doves were released. It was beautiful and very moving. The main statue shows two soldiers dressed in army uniforms. They are clutching a helmet and dog tags. It's hard to see but in front of them is a gun stuck in the ground with a helmet on top of it and the fallen soldiers boots in front of the gun.

DJ and I will continue to go to ceremonies like this to honor his best friend Lance Cpl. Andrew Riedel ( 7/29/85 - 10/30/04 ). He was part of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps Base Hawaii. His life was taken by a road side bomb in Anbar Province, Iraq. He was only 19. He was an amazing guy and is missed very much.

I hope everyone takes a moment this weekend to be thankful for everything our troops have done for us and everything they continue to do.

This is in honor of Andrew.

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