May 16, 2008

That Makes It All Worth It

Today the most exciting thing yet has happen to me! I was sitting at my desk working away . . . and I felt the baby move for the first time! It was amazing. I instantly knew it had to be the baby and nothing else and I started crying. I was so overwhelmed with joy. I couldn't stop the tears. It's amazing how someone so tiny, someone you haven't even met yet can have such an effect on you. Everyone has been asking me, now that I'm already in the 5th month, if I had felt any movements and I always got so sad when I had to say no. Some said it felt like they swallowed a Gold Fish, some said it was little flurries and another said she had heard it felt like a cricket running across your tummy. I didn't know what to look for. My doctor told me some women had trouble telling the difference between a gas bubble and little baby movements. I was so nervous I would miss that first sign of movement. But the only way I know how to describe it is that it felt like someone was tickling me from the inside. It was unreal. Sometimes I place my hand on my belly or rub my tummy and it still blows me away that I have a little baby growing inside of me. It's moments like the one I experienced today that just proves that the midnight trips to the freezer for ice cream, constant trips to the bathroom and constant hunger panes are more than worth what's to come.

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