May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

I know it's a little belated but Happy Mothers Day Everyone! I hope everyone had a great day! We had wonderful weather here so Mother's Day was spent outside. I had a great day. DJ and I were lazy in the morning and then met up with his family. Technically I'm not really a mother yet so this was more of a Happy Mother-to-be Day for me. :) I love having all these holidays back to back - between birthdays, Easter, Mother's Day etc. . . I have to admit that right now the most exciting thing about family get together's has to be all the food.

The title of my blog really does fit my situation. My belly has begun expanding on a daily basis. It's amazing how fast my tummy is growing but miraculously, I haven't gained any weight anywhere other my tummy. I'm very excited about that! I thought for sure my face would balloon up as well as other areas that I was not looking forward to seeing increase in size. Of course my chest has grown but that's never an area I'll complain about until I start worrying about the affect gravity is having on my body! :) Everything is going great with the pregnancy. I'm a little irritated more and more everyday because I am currently 18 weeks and I still have not felt any movement from the baby. I keep sitting still, remaining calm etc. but I just don't feel it. I know it's not supposed to be a hard kick, something more like butterflies but this is something I don't want to miss out on! I hope I feel it soon. Tomorrow we go see the liver specialist again for a follow up but I know it's not going to be anything big. The 20th is the day DJ and I are both counting down to. . . we find out if it's a boy or a girl! I can't wait! I'll keep you posted.

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