July 15, 2008

Week 27

You can't see it from this angle but my belly button is half way out and it looks ridiculous! :)

The baby is moving a lot. I love feeling her move around but sometimes I can't tell if it tickles or if it hurts a little. She's growing fast and I can really tell my body is getting ready for her. I now weigh 171 pounds! That's 31 pounds more than I weighed before the pregnancy. Thankfully you can't really tell I've put on that much weight. At the biggest point in my belly I measure 43" around. My chest is constantly growing too and I now wish I owned some type of stock in bras!

We return to the doctor for a follow up ultra sound on the 23rd. We have to make sure my uterus pushed my placenta up far enough to cease any concerns. I'm pretty sure it did. I also have my glucose test on the 23rd and then we will be 30 weeks pregnant! It's gone by so fast! After the appointment on the 23rd I'll start going to the doctors every two weeks instead of every four.

DJ and I got all registered Saturday. We went to Babies R Us and Target. It was a lot of fun but still a little stressful. I never thought registering would take as long as it did but we were at Babies R Us for 3 hours! The baby shower is going to be August 23rd but there is no time set. I'm getting very excited!

I'm going to request that they measure the baby at the next ultra sound so we can see how big she is now! I'll keep everyone posted!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Wow! Look at you! Sounds like everything is right on track. So, how many sympathy pounds has DJ put on?