August 14, 2008

When Does It End

Today has already started off badly. A few weeks ago DJ applied for a Conductor Trainee position for Burlington Northern Railroad. We were certain he would at least be chosen to advance on to the testing and interview process considering he has railroad experience through a short line and regular railroad companies. Today we received an email that said he was not chosen at this time. DJ's really hurt by this and hasn't even heard back from OminTrax, the other railroad company he applied for. We are really depending on a new job to figure out our financial budget. Until we find a new job we are not sure if we will be able to afford moving out into our own place.

Also on the down side, Pepsi told DJ that starting the end of this month they are moving him to the night shift. He won't be given a night shift pay differential or anything. I'm a little bummed out about this. And DJ really doesn't want to continue working for Pepsi. Unfortunately, if he doesn't take the night shift he will lose his job so he doesn't really have an option at this point.

We went to the Doctor again on Monday. I am now 31 weeks pregnant. My belly is 45 inches around (from one point of my belly button to the other)! I have gained 39 pounds - probably 40 by now! Everything is going well. My doctor requested I stay out of Downtown during the week of the DNC so she wrote a note excusing me from work for the 25th-29th of this month. In all my years working I have never had a strait week of work off. I have no idea what I am going to do with myself! It will give me a great opportunity to get out all the Thank You cards from the baby shower though. So really including weekends and Labor Day I will have a total of 10 days off work! WOW! The 25th is DJ's birthday so I will go out to eat with him for lunch and I also have a Doctors appointment scheduled for that day.

10 days away from work. . . I wonder how scary my voicemail box will be upon returning!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Keep your chin up, hon. Things on the job front will work out at some point. Just this week I read a couple of scriptures that say God brings us through the fire to a place of abundance (I'm paraphrasing here). If we didn't go through the hard times, we wouldn't appreciate the blessings. Love you.