August 24, 2008

Baby Shower For Taylor Drew

For those who don't already know, DJ and I decided on a name for our baby girl. Her name is Taylor Drew DeHerrera. We both loved the name Taylor because it's not too girly and it's not too common. We chose the middle name of Drew in honor of DJ's best friend Andrew. We hope she loves her name as much as we do.

Saturday was the baby shower. It turned out great. Tons of people showed up (about 40), the weather was great (it only rained for a few minutes and was very light) and everyone was having a great time. Kara and Jess did a great job planning the baby shower also. They chose five games -
1. Guess how much ribbon you'd need to wrap around Ann's belly
2. Guess the melted candy bar in the diaper
3. What's in a name?
4. How many bottles are in the jar
5. The Beer Bottle - baby bottles were filled and the men had a race to see who could suck the beer out of the bottle the fastest. Joel cheated. As soon as we said 'GO' he unscrewed the top of the bottle and drank it.

All the games were very cute. We gave out gift cards for the winners. We also had a door prize. Everyone who wanted to enter into the door prize drawing had to bring a package of diapers and if their number was pulled from the basket they won a gift card to a restaurant.

We got tons of great gifts and I would like to thank everyone who came or sent us a gift. You have no idea how much it helps! After having the baby shower it really hits home just how fast the whole pregnancy is going. Before we know it she'll already be here!

I also have to tell everyone that last week DJ and I started taking our Child Birth Prep classes. We will go for three more Tuesdays - 3 hours each. I think it's going to help us a lot. I never knew you could chose so many different things about your own delivery. They say I can have her sitting on a birthing ball, laying in the bed, standing up - any way I think I would be more comfortable and would enjoy more. There is a lot to think about. I think it's really going to help DJ understand how to comfort me, how the whole process works and what to expect from the time we get to the hospital to the time we leave. I'll keep everyone posted on our progress. :)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Guess I should have checked here before I emailed you this morning. Looks like you had a great time. You look good too!