September 14, 2008

27 Days And Counting

There are exactly 27 days until my due date! I really cannot believe how fast the pregnancy went! It's been pretty fun though. When I found out I was pregnant I started a journal for the baby (Taylor now). I write in there about things that have been happening with me and DJ (moving, jobs, etc.) and I also write to her every Saturday about how she is developing and growing. (Saturday marks the beginning of a new week for the pregnancy). I have written about all big moments - ultra sounds, doctors appointments, first kicks and movements, DJ feeling her for the first time. I plan to write in the journal about all big moments that continue to happen - the rest of the pregnancy, the birth, bringing her home, etc. I would like to fill the journal completely and when she is old enough I plan on giving it to her. I hope it means as much to her as it does to me.

So now I am 36 weeks pregnant. At the end of this week she will be considered full term - and the size of my belly definitely confirms that. Last week I was concerned my belly was not big enough but now I am not worried about that at all. I never looked at my belly head on until the other night standing in front of the mirror rubbing my stomach with stretch mark cream. It looked huge. DJ walked into the bedroom and asked what I was doing and I told him I felt like I was basting a turkey but I was only applying my stretch mark cream. He said it gave him a bad visual and I should never refer to applying stretch mark cream as 'basting a turkey' again. I laughed. A few nights later we were getting into bed to watch TV and I layed down in front of him. My head was propped up so I asked if he could see and he smiled. I asked what the smile was for and he replied, "You're kidding right? Can I see? Of course I can't see over your belly. That's like asking me if I can see over the top of a semi when I'm driving your civic". I thought it was very funny! I am now just under 48 inches around and weigh 187lbs - 45 pounds gained total. I am gaining about 5 pounds a week now. We went to the doctor on Monday (we'll start going weekly) and my doctor had to check my cervix. I am already 1cm dilated but only 10% effaced so she doesn't think I will be going into labor too early. We return for another check up on Friday.

DJ started his new job on Wednesday. He loves it! He's working 12 hour days now and he said they don't bother him too much. He likes everyone he works with and he'll start working with his regular engineer tomorrow. John will be his engineer and DJ could not be happier. John was laid off from Union Pacific, just like DJ, only 6 months before DJ got laid off. John and DJ also worked together for a while at Rock Island Rail Road. DJ says he is very smart, safe and great to work with. We all know the people you work with make a huge difference in your job. I'm just glad he likes it. The crew he worked with last week told DJ's boss that they have never had a new employee work as hard or as fast as DJ and they have never had someone learn the rail yard as quickly as DJ did and he didn't need any further training. Yay DJ!
Also exciting news this weekend - we signed the final paperwork on our apartment so it's completely official! Just less than 2 weeks until we move and I can't wait! Here are a few small pictures of our apartment. They finished building on our building but inspections are on Tuesday and we can't go inside until they are done. We are the apartment on the second floor. Our garage is directly beneath us. From far left is our patio, then our dining room window and the three windows look right into the master bedroom. I can't wait to post pictures of the inside! Here is the floor plan for our apartment.

Seems like I'm counting down to everything now - one day at a time!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Sounds like things are going well for you. I'm so glad DJ started his new job and especially glad that he likes it. Sounds like they like him too! Couldn't be happier about the new home. It will be such a relief for you two (soon to be three!). Love ya.