September 21, 2008

Any Day Now

Friday I went back to the doctor for our 37 week check up. I now weigh 190 - 48 pounds gained. Taylor's heart beat was 136. My doctor was shocked in the 'huge' change from last weeks check up. Last week when we went I was 1cm dilated and not even 10% effaced. This week I am already 2 cm dilated and half way effaced. She said she thinks I will be able to make it through the move next Saturday but not much longer after that. This has DJ and I both very nervous. I am only drinking water, not participating in any physical activity beyond walking or stressing myself out. I am not letting this little girl come before we get moved into the new apartment. She can come any day she wants after the 27th. So this afternoon I will be packing our bag for the hospital and washing the first few outfits she will be able to wear just to be safe. We return to the doctor again on Wednesday.

DJ got a new job schedule this week. A conductor that started two weeks before him "no longer works for the company" so DJ was placed in his position permanently. This is great except for the hours. DJ was working 8am to 8pm Monday through Thursday (Monday through Wednesday on the weeks he only worked 3 days). Now DJ will be working Thursday through Sunday from 8pm to 8am. He'll have Thursdays off when he is only required to work 3 days. So he started his new schedule Friday night. His boss didn't give him very much notice (he actually called to inform him of this Friday at 1pm) so he gave DJ Saturday and Sunday night off this weekend. DJ doesn't have to go back to work until Friday. To make more money and get used to the yard more he's going to go work Tuesday and possibly Wednesday during the day.
Yesterday we went to celebrate DJ's cousin Spencer's 8th birthday. We all went to his grandma's house. They have a large peach tree in their backyard and were asking everyone to take peaches home with them. We brought home a large box of peaches. DJ's sister had never made a pie before so I told her I would teach her how to and we could make a fresh homemade peach pie. It turned out very good! We made two. It was a lot of fun too.

Because everyone found out what the doctor said on Friday they all thought it would be a great idea to make a bet (yes with actual money) as to when they think I will deliver. DJ's mom picked today (9-21-08), his Aunt Jacque has Monday, his sister Jess picked Tuesday, DJ's dad has Wednesday, his brother has Thursday, his cousin Spencer has Friday, Grandma has Saturday (when we move), his grandpa has Sunday and Uncle Dean has Monday the 29th. Whoever wins gets all the money($9) but if Taylor comes any day after the 29th the bet money will go right into her piggie bank. I'm still holding out for the 29th. :)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I had peach pie on Saturday in CWFalls at the Emma Chase. Grandma did too. Yummy.