September 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It isn't official yet but at 10:00 tomorrow morning DJ and I will have a new home. Earlier this week we went to see it. This was the first time either of us had been in the apartment because the building was still under construction. I'm so excited to move. Today DJ is out picking up the essentials we will need to move in - soap, shampoo, toilet paper etc. Tonight he has to work so I'm going to pack up everything in the bedroom as much as possible, or at least what's left. Then tomorrow morning when DJ gets home from work we'll start moving.

We went to the doctor on Wednesday. I am now only dilated 2 1/2 to 3cm and still only half way effaced. She said I will definitely make it through this weekend and she believes next week as well. I'm not walking on egg shells as much as I was before knowing I will make it through the move. We return Monday afternoon though so we'll see if the move brings on any exciting changes.

I won't have Internet access until Monday so as soon as I can access it I will post the new pictures of the apartment. :)

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