December 2, 2008


I'm a little behind on posting this. But for Thanksgiving we had many things to be thankful for. This Thanksgiving I was thankful to have an amazing boyfriend and a beautiful, healthy baby. I learned over the weekend that there is not a more rewarding feeling than seeing your baby smile at you or know that you can stop her tears. It's nice when other people are able to calm her down but nothing is more rewarding than someone handing your baby back to you and suddenly all her cries stop. I love the feeling. My grandma told me this weekend that if your baby smiles at you, they're telling you that you are a good mom. I hope that's true because in this house we get a lot of smiles.
Last night DJ and I were given another thing to be thankful for. We just earned enough grocery points to get 30 cents off every gallon at the Safeway gas station. We put gas in both our cars since they were both empty using our points. It came to about $1.33/gallon. Total for 2 full tanks of gas we only paid $31! How amazing! We won't have to buy gas for a while now!
Today Taylor is 8 weeks old - she'll be 2 months old next Monday. I can't believe how fast time is going by. It's a little sad. I feel like I'll blink and she'll be standing in front of me with her hands on her hips throwing around an attitude and talking back. :) Ha Ha. Let's just hope that never happens. But for now she is a tiny little girl that loves dancing, has found that she has a voice and can make noise and loves sleeping with her daddy.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I recognize one of Taylor's outfits! So glad she's able to get some use out of it. She's an absolutely doll.