January 26, 2009

The Best In Life

This weekend was very crazy. DJ worked all weekend, leaving just me and Taylor at home. Taylor is now teething and let me tell you, that is not a mother's joy! Saturday was full of tears, a frustrated mom and naps that didn't do much for a little baby attitude. But we got through it. So last night sitting on our bed, baby in hand, thinking about how messy the last two days had been, I had to laugh at myself because Taylor was crying other night for no reason at all and DJ was getting frustrated just like I had been all week. I jokingly told him then, "Enjoy it now because these are the times you'll miss some day". And it's the truth. As mad as this little girl can make me, she can turn it all around in the blink of an eye. I've decided my favorite time is when she is trying to cuddle. Last night she sat on the bed with me, buried her little head into my neck and "wrapped" her arm around my back. We just listened to Country music and rocked back and forth with each other until she fell asleep. I couldn't have been a happier mommy. Those are the times I will miss as she gets older.

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