January 29, 2009

Saving Second Base

One of my New Years Resolutions was to get back into shape and finish losing the 26 baby pounds I have left to shed. Since making this resolution I have only been in the gym once. I am sure many people would say not to worry about it because you can't tell I have had a baby, it's understandable because having a baby changes your life dramatically and raising kids takes a lot of time and energy. I feel like I have let myself down. So this morning while riding the bus into work I was thinking of motivations that would get me into the gym at least a few times a week. And I thought of it. I've always wanted to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer; a 2 day, 39.3 mile event held the 27-28th of June and this year I am going to do it. In 2007 my best friend Nicky and I participated in the Susan Koman walk but we didn't register for the Avon walk on time. This year I said I was going to do it. So that is my motivation.

This morning I sent out an email asking everyone to join my team, Saving Second Base, for the Avon Walk. So far we have a team of 11 people. My goal is to not only surpass the minimum fundraising goal to participate but also to show up on race day and be able to run the entire 39.3 miles. I sound insane, so I have been told, but isn't it great motivation?!? I am very excited about this. Each participant is required to raise $1,800 by the day of the walk. All donations are welcome if anyone wants to help us out!

I can't wait to start Saving Second Base!

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