February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

I hope everyone enjoyed Valentine's Day as much as I did this year. DJ was working on Saturday so we celebrated Friday night. The original plan was to go to the movies but DJ surprised me by taking me out to dinner at Ruth's Chris. It was amazing. I did learn one important lesson that night though - Every woman NEEDS to own a little black dress. Nothing fancy of course, just something that can be pulled out of the closet when someone important decides to surprise them with a special night downtown. :) Dinner was amazing - the food, the company, the conversation. I had a fantastic time! I even got my favorite flower - tulips (they were from Taylor)! I gave DJ his Valentine's Day gift last Saturday though. It was supposed to be a surprise but he was at home sick and there was no way getting around it. He's started brewing beer with his dad and really enjoys it but he would like to be able to keg his beer rather than bottle it. So the plan was for him to get a fridge and make a kegarator for the garage. So I did a lot of searching and found him a great fridge on Craigslist for very cheap. His dad and I picked up the fridge and set it up in our garage. Because the surprise was ruined I went ahead and decorated it with ridiculous looking Valentine's Day things. I thought it was very cute!

I'm a little behind in filling everyone in but Taylor had her 4 month well-baby check up on Tuesday. Her head is 16 1/4 inches, she weighs 16lbs 3 oz, and is 26 3/4 inches. I continually blog about how big she is and how it amazes me that she grows so much. So to put this into perspective for everyone else - Taylor is the average weight of a 7 month old and the average height of an 8 month old baby. She's wearing 6-9 months clothes and quickly growing out of them.
And look. . . she's already cheering for K-State!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Love the powercat! Such a smart girl.