February 9, 2009

A New Mom's Best Friend

Taylor is getting bigger everyday and DJ and I are having trouble keeping up with her. We have a chair for her that is slightly reclined and vibrates and plays music. She used to love it. DJ and I called it her "Lazygirl". Now that she is bigger though she doesn't enjoy it as much. She will sit in that chair for about 5-10 minutes before she has had enough and is ready to sit up strait. She just wants to be a big girl. Because she is trying to sit up, is rolling over and sticking everything in her mouth it's almost impossible to get anything done when she wants to interact with everything. So this weekend I bought her a new chair. This new chair will be my new best friend. It's called a Bebe Pod and it is amazing. It's made out of foam so it's very soft for her. it has just enough support to let her move around and be sitting up strait at the same time. The base is small enough so she fits right on the kitchen or bathroom counter and can watch everything and play while I am able to get things done. Last night she hung out in the kitchen with me while I made dinner and put some photo albums together. She was so cute!This weekend we also hung out with Aunt Kara! Aren't they so cute?!?

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Love the chair. Wish that had been around when my girls were little. Glad Kara got some playtime with Taylor.