March 24, 2009

Little Set Backs

March has been beautiful! Sunday morning Taylor and I ran to get breakfast and coffee while DJ was still sleeping. We got in the car at 9am and the Jeep said it was already 70 degrees. We almost broke the record - the high on Sunday was 78! The entire weekend was like that! Thursday was just as nice and I played hookie from work. DJ and I wanted time together and I feel like I don't get enough quality time with Taylor so I took a vacation day and we went to the zoo! Taylor stayed awake the entire time and was the cutest thing!
Taylor has a cold. She went to the doctor's about 3 weeks ago and they said there was nothing they could give her. She hasn't gotten better. Sunday she was wheezing and sounded really bad so I took her to the urgent care clinic. She has bronchitis and an ear infection. I feel so bad for her. She is on antibiotics and is taking breathing treatments from a nebulizer. I hope she gets better soon.

I haven't been to the gym in almost a week! I feel awful. But there is a reason. . . I broke my right foot Thursday night. I am stuck wearing a special shoe for two weeks until it heals. I shouldn't have tried moving the night stand the way I did but I let my ego get the best of me - after all I have been working out my arms. But my foot does feel a lot better and I think the shoe is making it hurt more than it should. I might try going without it. So this is just a minor set back in my work out goals. I had planned on losing the remaining baby weight by my birthday but I don't see that happening by the 15th of April - still have 22 pounds to lose before I am back down to pre-pregnancy weight.

This week is a short work week for me. Friday the City will be experiencing it's first, of a few, furlough days (mandatory days off without pay). Shutting the City down for a day is expected to save over a million dollars. Let's hope it works because I don't want anymore. Monday is Cesar Chavez day, a holiday for me. Denver is the only City that observes the day but I won't complain!

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