April 28, 2009

I Swear I Am Still Here

I have neglected my blog lately and I feel bad for that. But to be totally honest I have felt that I need to dedicate any and all energy and time I have to more important things. On my birthday we found out that Taylor is teething. Cute right?! Not so much. To be blunt. . . it has been hell. It started off that she was just getting her bottom left. Two days later she was getting her bottom right tooth as well. Double painful. Since then she hasn't slept through the night, won't really take naps and is super cranky. She is still the cute little baby she always has been but her mom and dad are having a really hard time functioning and keeping up. Just last week DJ fell asleep mid-sentence while talking to his parents. Her teeth are causing her so much pain that she feels that she needs to be constantly comforted and cuddled. The problem with that is she won't sleep in her own bed and when she falls asleep while eating she wakes up the minute she feels you lay her down. I'm taking all the advice I can get. I have been told to feed her bananas before bed time, teething tablets, frozen teething rings, biting the spoon while you feed her, Tylenol, whiskey on her gums and the craziest of all, rub a sweet onion on her gums. Any more advice from experienced moms? I'm missing sleeping next to DJ and not fearing crushing my daughter while we sleep. And to quote DJ, he s tired of getting poked and kicked. We are both exhausted and I think I'm running off bout 3 1/2 hours of sleep right now.

Tonight I had an unexpected knock at the door. To my surprise it was one of our neighbors. DJ has spoken to him a few times and I always say hi but we have never held a conversation. He was at my door to see if I knew I had a flat tire. Of course I didn't. So Taylor and I went down to our garage/driveway to check it out. Sure enough I had a screw in my back driver side tire. He told me he wasn't sure if DJ was around tonight or when he would be getting back but he was offering to change my tire for me. I felt very guilty for letting him but DJ is working until midnight tonight, I have a baby girl that won't stop crying and DJ will have just been going to bed by the time I am leaving for work. So in about 15 minutes total, I was staring at a donut tire on my car. I was shocked to find out we had a neighbor that nice. I have never had a neighbor that nice. I told him he needed to come up and have a beer with DJ sometime to thank him. Does anyone else have neighbors this nice - besides everyone that lives in a house. Apartment neighbors are not usually this nice.

I feel like nothing I am typing is making sense, am having difficulty keeping my eyes open too so I think this is my cue to head to bed. More to come. . .

1 comment:

Nancy said...

You do have a nice neighbor!

As for teething....good thing it doesn't last forever. During the evenings when our girls were teething we would clean a whole carrot and just let them chew on it. It's cold and since they can't get the whole thing in their mouth, they won't choke on it.