April 14, 2009


Happy Easter everyone. I know I am a few days behind but when you have a baby(ies) all of your life seems to be a few steps behind. Regardless, we had a blast! Saturday we dyed Easter eggs. Taylor got to help, even though her job was taste tester. . .
Sunday we celebrated Easter, DJ's grandpa's birthday and my birthday. It was fun. Taylor got three Easter baskets this year - one from mom and dad and one from both sets of grandparents. From my parents she got a t-shirt from Arizona, a bunny stuffed animal and a set of bunny booties and a hat. Too cute. From Grandma Carrie and Grandpa Paul she got some really cute outfits, a pair of Crocks, socks (to hide her smelly feet), and a blanket friend. I am not sure what it's really called but it's the head of a stuffed animal with a blanket for a body; doesn't sound too cute when I describe it but Taylor loves them!
From mom and dad she got 2 new outfits, 2 new sippy cups - she thinks she needs to drink out of adult glasses! -, a little bunny, and a turtle for the swimming pool this summer. She was so excited when she was opening her baskets because it was like she really knew what was going on!
She is way too cute. But it's late and I am a tired mommy! Good Night!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Oh she's cute!

Wanted to wish a Happy Birthday today to her mommy! Hope it's a great one for you.