April 10, 2009

What You Don't See Will Hurt You

Wednesday night DJ and I went to the gym. Just a regular Wednesday night for us. We haven't gotten to go together in a few weeks so I was super excited. I wore some cotton shorts to the gym that night which I know DJ has always says he has never been fond of. He says they look like shorts a bicyclist would wear. I don't think they look bad on me though so I wear them. DJ said he needed to stretch more than he has been so I decided to join him before we worked out separately. As I was stretching my legs I looked down and to my surprise saw a very nasty sight. . .stretch marks. I am assuming these stretch marks are from the pregnancy because they are bright purple ones on the inner thigh. I am not happy about this. As I saw this a wave of horror ran across me, I threw my ipod down and asked DJ if he knew I had stretch marks there. His response was "yes". I got tears in my eyes and asked if you could always see them while I was at the gym in these shorts. I was mortified when he said "Yeah. I always told you I didn't like them". I was shocked that he never told me I had stretch marks there. Horrified. He said he never told me because he didn't want me to freak out.

Tonight I will be examining my entire body with a full length mirror.

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