May 25, 2009

Time To Catch Up

I don't know how I fall behind so much. Taylor is crawling now so I feel like I am continually on the run and trying to keep up with her while finish regular activities.

Taylor will be 8 months old soon and I know I always say it but I am having trouble believing 8 months has already gone by! She has two teeth on the bottom and is getting her top teeth in now. I will be happy when teething is over. It's been pretty miserable. She started crawling on Mother's Day - her little gift to me. She is constantly on the go now. She won't sit still for more than a few minutes unless you are playing with her and keeping her distracted. She is too cute though. She's starting to feed herself, hold her own bottle, and laugh at nothing at all.

DJ got a new work schedule. I can already see it making an improvement in our relationship. Before DJ was working such an off beat schedule that we never had a full day together and we felt like a lot of the household responsibilities fell on just one of us - this caused so much stress. Now he is working Monday through Friday from 10pm-6am. We are not fond of the nights but at least we are able to have the entire weekend together. In the past one of us had to take a day off work just to spend a full 24 hours together. I'm enjoying the extra time together.

I return to work tomorrow. Friday the City had a furlough day, making my weekend 4 days. I loved it but know I will return to an over flowing inbox. It rained all weekend. In fact, I am sitting on our bed listening to the rain right now. I love the rain but DJ is working right now and he wishes it would just stop already.

I promise to make a stronger effort to post more pictures, blogs and updates more often!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day!


JC Mom said...

I am so glad to hear that you two are feeling more like a couple again! It is very hard to keep up relationships while raising kids. Make time for each other as best you can!

Nancy said...

Glad to hear the work schedule change seems to be an improvement. Can't wait to see new pics of Taylor.