July 3, 2009

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time there was a girl named Ann who regularly added posts to her blog. . .
I can't believe it's almost been a month since I last posted anything. We have been so busy! Work is overwhelming - my boss has cancer and just began chemo treatments which she is allergic too so my work load has doubled. I am exhausted by the time I get home at night. Taylor is moving around too quick and it's hard to keep up with her! The summer heat has us all worn down.
Father's Day was a blast! Taylor and I got DJ a gift certificate to his favorite home brew beer store and a couple beer glasses. We celebrated on Saturday so everyone could be there. So much fun! Sunday was nice out so we took a drive to the mountains and took Taylor to Rocky Mtn Nat'l. Park. She had a good time and we even had a picnic up there.

When I was little I loved the water baby dolls. Now I have my very own! :) Taylor is like a fish! She loves anything to do with water - baths, swimming pools, running water. She stands at the bath tub now just waiting to get in. We took her to the pool at our apartment complex about a month ago and her grandma bought her a small pink pool for their house. Taylor goes swimming almost every day.

We took her to Colorado National Speedway a while back too - she was cute and slept most of the time but when she watched the cars go by her little head went side to side so quick!

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