October 12, 2009

A Special Day For A Special Girl

Wednesday was Taylor's first birthday. DJ and I were both home with her for most of the day. DJ made her special Minnie Mouse pancakes for breakfast, we took her shopping for a new winter coat, hat and more socks. We even took her to her favorite restaurant - Chipolte.
 Because she turned a year and weighs more than 20 pounds she is able to sit forward facing in her car seat. DJ and I have always wondered what she does back there by herself and now we know. . .
We celebrated it with family and friends on Saturday. She even had some very special visitors for her big day.
The first snow fall in Colorado was Thursday afternoon but the first snow to stick the ground was Satursday. The high for the day was about 26 degrees. I guess we have an early start to the winter.

We had flowers, stars and bright pink and purple decorations. The cake was fabulous and so was the individual cake for Taylor. She is not a big fan of getting messy and does not like sweets so she did not attack the cake like some babies do. She had a great time though. She had little friends there that were her size, she got a ton of new toys and clothes and was in a good mood the whole time. She was a party animal. She only took 2 naps the whole day, each about 30 minutes and stayed up until 11pm.
We really did have a great time on Saturday. It's amazing how fast a year has gone by. She is the sweetest little baby and has the best personality. We can't wait to see what the years to come hold for us. I hope they are all as good as this year was.


NancyG said...

love the birthday pics and happy for you all. Love A.Nancy

Nancy said...

She's a doll. Loved seeing the pics. Everyone looks happy & healthy.