November 20, 2009

All packed up

We are all packed up . . . almost. . . and ready to go. Tomorrow is moving day in our house. We will be moving in with DJ's parents for a short time. I thought we got a good start on things a few weeks ago but I am beginning to think otherwise. It's been hard deciding what needs to be taken with us and what can stay in storage. I am sure in a few weeks, possibly days, I will need something that has been packed away. For about 2 weeks now I have been packing at least one box a night. I thought this move would be a piece of cake considering we have been moving at least once a year for 5 years, sometimes even twice in the same year. I'm beginning to hate moving all together. I can't wait until we can buy a house. On top of the move, I am getting sick. Scratch that. I am sick. The cold chills set in at work today, the sore throat last night and this afternoon the sneezing. When I get home I will be spending the night packing, organizing boxes and getting everything finalized for tomorrow morning. Luckily we have the lease until Thanksgiving day but I work everyday until then next week, leaving no time for odds and ends. Wish me luck!

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