November 25, 2009

Time to give thanks...

Everyone always says Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful. But how many of us really think of Thanksgiving as more than a day of great food, family and football? I think a lot of people have lost sight of the real meaning of Thanksgiving (just as many have lost sight of Christmas). So this year I am going to do something different. I want to show thanks to all those that have deeply touched me in the past year.

I am more than thankful to have a healthy, beautiful, growing baby girl, Taylor. She means the world to me. And even though I am still waking up with her at night (sometimes 3-4 times), picking up all her messes, and trying to teach her that food belongs in her belly or on her plate - not fed to the dogs or on the floor, I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. She brings so much joy to my life it's incredible. I lvoe every minute I get with her, even if at times I seem grumpy.
Before I go on, I have to comment on how crazy this little girl is. saturday evening she ate an entire large SlimJim stick all by herself!! She is such a stinker!

 I am also thankful to have DJ. He is such a great guy and means everything to me. I love him so much and I am sure he doesn't understand how much I appreciate everything he does for me. We have been through so much and he has been my rock the whole time. DJ, you are wonderful!

I am thankful for my family. I love my parents for always listening to me, for supporting me even if they don't agree with my decision and raising me to be the person I am today. I am thankful for my sister, Kara, for being my best friend. It's not until you are older do you fully understand why God gave you a sister. You make me laugh and you are there for me when I need someone to talk to. To my brothers for always trying to make me stronger. Everytime I know I am being too emotional I always think of Joel and whisper to myself, "I need you to woman up right now Ann". That simple line means so much to me. I wish we were as close now as we used to be but I will always cherish our late night talks in middle school. I love you guys with all my heart!

I am thankful for DJ's family. They have been with us through thick and thin and have always supported us. I am thankful to have Carrie who has treated me like one of her own kids, who has helped so much by watching Taylor for us. I am thankful his family has been kind enough to take all three of us into their home and make us feel welcome. I feel like they have adopted me and I don't know what I would do without them. I love you all. (Jess & Preston not pictured - I couldn't find one! Oops!)

And last but not least I am thankful for the following: to be employed, my good health, and the rest of my family and friends and those close to me. I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving and remembers to give thanks to everything they are thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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