November 4, 2009

One after the other. . .

Yesterday I ran into a series of annoying events. It was a day when every event makes you understand everything that irritates you in life. It was not a good day. The three major events that stuck out in my mind were the following:

-  Sitting on the crowded bus on the way home, there were two women sitting in front of me. It was very clear they did not know each other. The woman on the right was texting on her phone. The woman on the left pretended to be reading her book but followed and read the entire texting conversation the woman next to her was having. What happen to privacy?!? It wasn't even mine that was being invaded but it still upset me.
-  As Taylor and I were leaving the parking lot of the grocery store I was trying to back out of my parking space. A huge SUV pulled up behind me and waited to take my spot. I have no problem with this. . . usually. But this woman had pulled up so close that I could not back out. After waiting patiently for a few moments, I had to roll my window down and tell her to back up so I could get out. I could only think, "How Rude!".
-  Finally, when Taylor and I got home we were taking Gabby outside and it was a pretty nice night. As Gabby did her business, I had the pleasure of watching our (out of shape) neighbor grill on his patio. . . . . in his UNDERWEAR. Believe me, my eyes are scared, no one wants to see this. If you are going to be outside, put some clothes on man!! For the sake of everyone in the community, please!

But it's funny how life works. There can be a series of things that irritate you all day and put you in a bad mood and then just as quickly as they happen, something so small can happen to make you smile, and you suddenly forget all bad that happen. Taylor is practicing her face making. She has a bag full of them.

This last one is my favorite. I get it all the time and I know she is just thinking her mommy is one crazy lady.

But she has also been practicing crawling onto the furniture by herself to help her reach the things she should not. Last night I took her clothes into the bedroom and placed them in the hamper - this took all of 2 seconds. By the time I stepped into the living room to get her for bath time, she was already standing on the chair, reaching over the back of it to grab her photo albums. Every time I picked her off the chair, she climbed right back up. Obviously this had become a game for her. I couldn't help but laugh because she is so mischievous and ornery.

I love the small things that make my day great

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