December 4, 2009

Can You Spot the Difference???

Can you spot the difference on this little girl? I'll give you a guess, there are two (technically three). . . . . .

Give up?

Ok, Ok.... Last night Taylor got her first hair cut . . . . .and her ears pierced!

She was such a brave little girl! First we had her hair cut. Our friend Dana did it and she did such a good job. She cut her hair so it will start to grow into a bob- it's layered in the back now and her bangs are out of her eyes. Of course, I kept some of the hair but it was so fine, there wasn't much to keep.

Then we were off to get her ears peirced. DJ has been wanting to peirce them for a long time, I was reluctant but even in pink everyone calls her a boy. I gave in; it's bad enough she has a full boys name - Taylor Drew. She did sucha good job. I made DJ hold her while they peirced them, that part I couldn't handle. The gal pierced her right ear first and Taylor only got tears in her eyes. When they peirced her left she started to really cry but that only lasted a few minutes. She looks so cute and I am so proud of her!

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