March 30, 2010

If You Don't Like It . . .

Everyone has always heard, "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes". We waited a day. Last Monday was beautiful. Remember? I posted about it here. Tuesday the forcast called for snow, and lots of it. Tuesday afternoon, about 3pm, we started with rain and wind, then came the snow. By the time I made it home that night it was almost a white out. Here is the scene from Tuesday:  
(notice my windshield is covered with deep snow? I hadn't even been home 20 minutes)
It was crazy. For sure I thought Wednesday would be a snow day. No chance. It snowed through the night and I still had to go to work. I made it into downtown just as my office announced a 2 hour delay. I was angry. Who announces a delay at 7:15am when the office opens at 8am? It turned out to work in my favor. For getting in on time my boss sent me home at 3pm. I could get used to that schedule. Of course, when I left work the sun was out, I didn't even need to wear my coat. The streets were dry. I was happy. DJ got off at 3pm too so he picked me up and we took Taylor sledding. Talk about a good time, and a good work out. Taylor loved it! Eventually I got so tired I just walked half way up the hill and let her sled down herself. She didn't want to leave.
DJ took a tumble and it was perfect timing that his sister was at the bottom with her camera
He laughed it off. . .
LOVE this picture but whish you could see Tay's face. . .
Mom's too tired to make it to the top so kiss me now in case you don't make it to the bottom (just kidding! But I know deep down she was rolling her eyes with a big 'sigh')

Mom I made it!!
Once we reached the bottom there was no stopping. Taylor got up, turned around and started right back up the hill. She didn't even want you to help her get up the hill. What a trooper! I love how wet her butt is!
Today is sunny with temps in teh 70's. I was so happy this snow only lasted a day!

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