March 18, 2010

It's broken

Back in December I started having problems with our laptop. It froze really often, wouldn't turn on sometimes or kicked you off the internet for no reason at all. I took it to Best Buy who told me there was a virus. A neighbor fixed it and everything worked for a few more months.

Cue February. . . again with the computer problems. I take it back into Best Buy and they tell me that my operating system was corrupt and it would cost me $260 to repair it. If my operating system is corrupt why am I responsible for the repair cost? Shouldn't Microsoft fix it?? Anyway. . .

Since our laptop has now been sitting in the bottom of our closet - untouched - I have not used my camera as often  because I have nothing to transfer pictures from my camera to. I think I need to buy an external hard drive or break down and get our computer fixed. Decisions, decisions. (This decision wouldn't be so hard if I wanted a desk top instead of our laptop)

I need to start taking more pictures. Hopefully this weekend I will.

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