March 11, 2010

Life Satisfaction

"Find something to do. Being bored brings down personal happiness and life satisfaction"

This might sound familiar. It was one of my 'happy thoughts' from the beginning of the year. I have always found this to be true but recently I found it to be right on. Not when it comes to my personal life, but when it comes to my professional life.

I have never found myself more bored in a job before. I took this job because based on the description it sounded amazing. I know you can never judge a book by it's cover or a job by it's description but this job did sound good. Yes it was just working in an office, yes it was still administrative work. But I was supposed to be helping manage work flow, build statistical reports, attend meetings, etc. It was a step up from my last government job.

I have been in this position since August. I think that's a sufficent amount of time to know I am not cut out for this job much longer. I hate coming to work and not knowing if there is enough work to keep me busy, enough work to even fill an hour of my time. Today I did have some work and I appreciate that. But what about tomorrow? Or Monday? I can never say for sure.

I finally realized I am bored. I needed to find something to occupy my time, to make my time at the work place worth while. After all I do work 8am-5pm with a 40 minute commute both ways, meaning I am leaving Taylor for about 10 hours a day. If you have to leave your kids that long it better be worth it, right?!? So I am trying to make myself 'unbored' (I know it's not a word).

I have applied for three positions. I had two with the Executive Director's Office, one with the Board of Medical Examiners and tomorrow I will have my second with the Board of Dental Examiners. I am hoping something comes along soon.

Has anyone else worked in a job for a short period of time to know they were not made for it?

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