April 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

 - I love celebrating holidays, birthdays, special occasions. . . for other people. Not my own. I don't like everyone's attention on me. I'd rather just skip it sometimes. And when you tell someone not to get you anything, why do they go against your wishes? It's your birthday after all isn't it? 

 - I learned how to change a tire last night. I mean a bike tire, well more like a stroller tire. We have a jeep jogging stroller for Taylor and the tire has been flat for some time now. I've been waiting for it to be changed, got tired of waiting and did it myself. My pants got a little dirty but I got it finished! It's nice to know how to do things your husband would noramlly would do.

 - Don't use spell check on your phone when you are in a hurry . . . if you misspell party it inserts ORGY. Not good.

 - And most importantly . . . this is more of a warning than anything . . . the medicine you have to take for egg donation will leave you a little crazy until it's all out of your system. I have never been so emotional in my life. Tears are coming at all the wrong times.

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