April 9, 2010

Retrieval. . .

For egg donation everything works on a schedule. For 3 weeks I took regular injections every night, then every morning and night. I also took pills and had daily blood work and ultrasounds. Finally, when my egg follicles were big enough they planned my retrieval. I had to take a 'trigger' shot exactly 35 hours before my surgery. This shot had to be administered into my muscle on the back of my hip. I couldn't do it myself so I made DJ. I had to take this shot at 1am on Wednesday. DJ did a great job. I thought he would pass out, take a while to administer it and it would hurt like the dickens. It didn't. I was proud of him. He didn't even go pale in the face. Thanks babe! This trigger shot stimulates ovulation. So mid-afternoon Wednesday I felt pregnant. Like the first trimester pregnant. I was uncomfortable, feeling sick and so tired. Luckily it was only for one day!

I had my egg retrieval Thursday afternoon. I checked in at 10:45am. I had my IV set up, met with the doctor and anesthesiologist. DJ kept me company while we waited and thought I needed a picture of myself. . .

Keep in mind, this is pre-surgery. I look miserable. I was hungry (I hate fasting for 12 hours before any surgery), I was tired and anxious. The injections I had also been taking made me an emotional wreck. It was shock to my body - basically like going from not pregnant to 9 months pregnant over night. During regular conversation on the way to the hospital I cried, laughed, got mad, angry and sad. DJ will be happy I am back to normal. :o)

At 12:30 they wheeled me away for surgery. They gave me a 'margarita' (the IV anesthesia) and that was amazing! I was out instantly. If I were a nurse I would laugh so hard about someone passing out so quickly or in my case, mid-sentence. When I woke up I said that was the best sleep I had ever had. By 2:45pm DJ and I were on the way home and in search of some salty food for me. I'm supposed to consume a lot of sodium over the next few days as part of recovery.

They were able to retrieve 25 eggs. I hope it works for the couple using my eggs. I wish them the best! Today I am back at work and life is back to normal.

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