April 9, 2010

Easter Egg Hunting

Easter was such a blast now that Taylor is old eough to join in all the fun. Taylor got to show off her new pretty Easter dress for everyone. And of course the Easter Bunny came. There was also a pink shovel and rake in her basket. Grandma and Grandpa also got her an Easter basket filled with clothes, a baseball and bat and more garden tools.
I had my camera out the majority of the day and Taylor was so excited to take her own picture. I just aimed and helped her push down the button. I love all the goofy faces she made for each picture. . .

It was really nice to have Aunt Lori and Uncle Sam in town . . .
Taylor loved the Easter Egg hunt too. She shook all the eggs and made sure she ate everything that was inside them. When she opened the one from Great Grandma she didn't care about the money that was inside. She threw the money into her basket and went in pursuit of an egg filled with candy.
She looked like this after eating all the chocolate she could get her hands on. . .
Love it!
The weather was so nice that Taylor even got some color on her cheeks. Only the first week in April and already we had to get out the sunscreen!
Hope everyone enjoyed Easter!
(You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them)

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