July 7, 2010

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July - Three days worth actually! On Friday DJ and I went to the Rockie's game. We go every year. We sit in the $5 'Rock Pile' seats just so we can go down onto the field afterwards and watch the fireworks. I love this. It's my favorite part of the 4th of July. Well this year Carrie met us down there after the game with Taylor. We all laid out on the field and I think Taylor was more entertaining than the fireworks display. It's amazing how much this little girl loves fireworks. We tried covering her ears but she wanted nothing to do with that. She also kept saying, "More. More" when it was all done. Too cute!

Some hoe DJ and his best friend Chad always have shaved heads together every time we go to this game. . . it's never planned. I have identical pictures to this for every year.

Every year I take a picture of my feet on the field. Now every year we will have pictures of Taylor's feet with mine!

I love this picture of our family. Love love love it!

You can't really see it but right above my nose is a red spot on Tay's cheek. She was bit by a spider!

Who is happier?? ;o)

About half way through she found her pockets. She loves pockets!

On Saturday Paul and Carrie had their annual 4th of July party. It's always such a good time. We ate a lot (not me because I still can't chew very well), played in the washers tournament and just had fun mingling. I don't want to brag or anything. . . but like I'd been telling everyone for about a month before the party. . . I am the washers champion 2 years in a row now! That can't just be luck! ;o) Of course DJ lit off the fireworks that we buy every year. Taylor loved them. She is obsessed with the 'poppers' that all little kids throw at the ground.

I spent much of the night putting the bows back in her hair

If only her eyes were open. . .

On Sunday we just hung out, cleaned up after the party and relaxed. We planned on taking Taylor to a firework display at one of the local rec centers but we were all rained out. Instead she tried running through the rain and has been begging mom to sing the song "It's raining, it's pouring... the old man is snoring. . ." Bad idea on my part. I should have known better. I think it will be a year before I get that song out of my head. We did find out though that Taylor loves salsa. She has to try her hand at anything someone else is eating. Her daddy had chips and salsa and she needed to try it. She stuck her chip in and continued sucking the salsa off for about 15 minutes. She ate a lot and it didn't seem to bother her at all. My two year old handles spicy food better than I do!!

Well I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Enjoy the random pictures!

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