July 6, 2010

It's Been A Month???

I can't believe it's been a month since I have posted anything! I swear it just feels like a week. So let's have a quick recap of the past month:

 - School started for me the beginning of June. I have been running non-stop since it started. I have class Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-2:35pm. That's only for my Biology and English class. I have two online classes that I squeeze in before the end of each week.

 - I wake up with Taylor around 7-7:30am and go to sleep about 1am. I have already pulled an all nighter! They are not fun when you crash from sleep exhaustion the next night.

 - DJ started playing golf and he loves it! He tells Taylor to practice her golf swing every night and she does. She would prefer to use Daddy's golf clubs over hers but I know our TV would get broken.

 - I screwed up my jaw while eating cereal. I took a bite that was too big and heard my jaw pop. It's so painful. The first few days I had trouble opening my jaw. Finally I went to the Dr who said I basically sprained my jaw and have TMJ and if it didn't get better in 7 days I needed to go back. I wasn't a fan of this Dr so I am going to see someone else. I tried a liquid diet for 7 days, put ice on it every night and did my jaw exercises. Now my jaw is not aligned right and I am having trouble closing the right side of my jaw completely. It sucks and is very painful.

 - Taylor loves talking on the phone. DJ and I will need to upgrade our phone plan to unlimited minutes! She tries to carry on full conversations with grandma and grandpa when they call. She even tries talking to people that are not there. It's so fun.

 - She fell asleep at the dinner table tonight. It's only the second time it has ever happen (this is the first time with me and DJ).

 - Life has been crazy.

 - I've registered for my fall classes. I am taking Anatomy & Physiology I, Microbiology, Music Appreciation and Medical terminology. I think I will have a few more sleepless nights next semester.

 - I love how much time I get to spend with DJ and Taylor since I am not working. I love love love it

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