August 16, 2010


Be warned! This post is FULL of pictures!

DJ and I try to make the most out of his days off of work since I am not working. Friday we tried taking Taylor to Tiny Town but they were closed. Since we were already in the mountains we decided to drive to Georgetown and take Taylor on the Georgetown Loop Railroad. I have to laugh about this because it's not like DJ doesn't already get enough of trains every night he has to work. Poor guy. But seeing Taylor so excited was well worth it.

We bought the tickets on our way there and thought Taylor would take a nap on the way. . . of course babies never sleep when you'd like them too. :o)

We packed a lunch for the day and found a cute little park-like area to have our picnic. That town is so cute. We had time to spare before the train left the station (ha ha - I make myself laugh sometimes) so we walked around the town for a little bit and visited a handmade candy store. Talk about trouble. We bought a bunch of fudge, chocolate and taffy. So yummy! DJ and I LOVED this town! It's so beautiful. We are already planning a trip back!

This was the cutest B&B - I Love the patio below

The train had an old engine (too cute), two covered cars and two open cars. We opted to sit uncovered so Taylor could see more.

This was our conductor

One of the bridges we had to pass over was 75 feet above the river. I was nervous the entire time but the views were amazing! I would love to see this at sunrise or sunset.

The ride is a total of 3 miles but it took a little over an hour. There are three stops and at one stop we were allowed off and we took Taylor through the gift shop.

On the way back we thought it would be fun to sit in front of the train. We learned this is a bad idea when you have a toddler. We were constantly covering her ears because the horn was so loud.

On the way back we had to pull into the 'siding' so let the old steam engine pass us
Surprisingly, Taylor fell asleep towards the end of the train ride and slept most of the way home. She had a blast but was so worn out.
DJ and I are planning on going back again this year. They have Oktoberfest rides that include free bratwurst or hot dogs and tasting of several different micro-breweries. They also have a St. Nick's ride (in covered cars) but the ride is supposed to be lit by Christmas lights and Santa Claus would be there. Who knows. . . we might do both :o)

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