August 16, 2010

Random Weekend. . . and grades. . .

This weekend was so relaxing. It's the first weekend in 10 weeks that I haven't been feeling stressed out about school. I had all of my finals last week and my Psychology professor never gave a final. I was thrilled. I usually work on homework while Taylor is taking a nap or after she goes to bed and every night when DJ went to work. Sunday night's were focused on Psychology and Monday night's were focused on Nutrition. Every other night I prioritized what needed to be done first. So this weekend was spent focusing on family.

Friday we took Taylor to Georgetown but that trip deserves it's own post. It was so much fun. . .

Saturday. . .

Was Carrie's birthday so we had a BBQ that evening. I love getting together with the whole family. Taylor isn't old enough to realize these celebrations are not all for her so she got mad when we had to give Grandma her gift. Taylor stole the card back as soon as Grandma got it open. I don't think we will buy a card that plays music for a while.

Of course, a party isn't complete with cake and ice cream (Thanks Sylvia!) and I think the few bites Taylor had were a few too many. She was so crazy the rest of the night.

She wanted to do nothing but jump on the trampoline for a good hour-and-a-half.

The nights have gotten chilly here so I needed to get her in warm clothes. . . the only way I could get her to stop long enough to slip new clothes on her was getting on there with her.

Then she went back to being her crazy self. . . (notice the pigg-tails never stay in long - we call this her crazy lady hair. It fits her personality) :o)

Sunday. . .

We spent the day at home tying up some odds and ends for school, getting ready for the fall semester (which starts on Saturday!) and lounging around. It was so relaxing. We also spent some time cheering Taylor on to use the big girl potty. I know I have pictures of her trying to go potty but these are special. This was the first time she said she needed to use the big girl potty and actually went. We were so excited that we had to run in and wake Daddy up to tell him.
We had just gotten out of the bed and were getting ready to get in the shower so pardon the bed head. . .

Have I mentioned how much I adore this girl?!? Just look at that face! I could just squeeze her!

I will miss weekends like this when school starts again on Saturday. But speaking of school. . . I got some of my final grades. I was nervous at the beginning of the semester because I wasn't sure what to expect of college this go 'round and I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out with Taylor. But I am very pleased. I received an A in my English Comp class, a B in Human Growth & Development (Psych) and I was .4 points away from getting an A in my Biology class but I am still happy with a B. Saturday begins the fall semester and I think it might be even more jam packed! The same amount of classes, same type of course work but I think it will be more challenging.

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