August 30, 2010

Missing You

This morning about 6:30am I got a text message saying, ":) thanks for the email it means a lot"

The email I sent was titled 'Always Remember' and it said:

"I know I should have said it on the phone. I should have said it long ago. I should have said it but it was too hard. I worry about you and want nothing more than to see all of your dreams come true. I want you to always remember how much I love you and how proud of you I am. I think you are so strong and brave and it takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing. I think of you as so much more than my sister. You are my best friend, my sound board, the person who always lifts me up, encourages me and believes in me. I love you more than you will ever know. Always remember that I am thinking of you and will always have you in my thoughts and prayers. You are everywhere I go. Be sage. DJ, Taylor and I love you! I will write you all the time!

Love always,
Your Big Sister Ann"

Kara left for Basic Training today. DJ knew I would be saying my 'good-bye' to her Sunday night and he asked me this morning right after I got the text if I cried. I told him I was a big girl and didn't cry. I know she and I will be writing letters all the time and she will be calling when she gets the opportunity. But. . .

Tonight is a different story. I was driving in my car while running errands (a time I would normally call and talk to Kara about absolutely nothing at all) and it finally sank in that I can no longer call or text her when I want. Kara was always there for everything. When I hung a mirror in our bedroom one night while DJ was at work I text her pictures of it and asked if it needed to be moved - all while on the phone with her. If I needed outfit or hair advice I text or called her. We text each other every day, all day. We called each other 4-5 times a day (sometimes more) even if we didn't really have anything to say. And now I'm having a hard time not crying when I think about her. I feel like I am missing a piece of myself.

I know in a few days I will be over it and things will return to normal. My free time will be filled with letter writing instead of texting and my phone will not be ringing as much. Until then I will think of this:

"Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart - oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape - of your sister." - Katherine Mansfield

1 comment:

Nancy said...

so sweet. you got me choked up. so glad you girls are tight and have each other. for everything.

love that last quote.