September 7, 2010

Gone Fishin. . .

Well technically this isn't correct. We aren't going fishin' and we haven't quit left yet. But we are all packed and ready to go. Taylor's suitcase is already at Grandma's house, DJ and I have our clothes laid out, bags packed and are just waiting to hop on the plane. We leave in the morning to spend 7 days in Mexico. I am ready for this much needed break but I am so sad. I hope the sadness doesn't last too long.

I know we are leaving Taylor in good hands (Thanks Carrie & Paul) but I am so sad to be leaving her. I've never had to leave her for more than a night and even then it was just a sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I'm going to miss all the cuddle time I get with her. I LOVE when she rolls over in bed and tells me she needs to cuddle while she pulls the blankets off of me. And as trying as it's been I'm going to miss her 2 going on 16 attitude. I love it. I hope she misses us as much as we are going to miss her.

I'll have so much to blog about when we get back with so many pictures! Love you all!

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