October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Taylor

I feel like I always have an excuse for not posting anything on my blog. . . It's just life. But everyone knows how that goes. And better late than never, right?

The 7th was Taylor's 2nd Birthday! We had so much fun. We made pancakes for breakfast and she got to help make them.

During the day we just hung out, played games, watched movies and took a nap.

We took her to the circus that night. We had been talking about it for weeks. She was so excited - especially about the baby elephant. The day we went to buy the tickets they were getting ready to walk the elephants from the train to the coliseum so we stayed and watched. For weeks she was telling everyone she saw the elephants. And a baby.

Before the circus we had to have some sort of dessert with candles. She was so happy.

We got to the circus early so she could see the animals up close. They don't let anyone ride the elephants anymore and I was a little disappointed about that but I'm sure it's best that they don't.
 This is the baby that Taylor loved so much. She kept saying she wanted to hold him and give him a hug. He was 20 months old and when he was born he weighed 220 pounds! Elephants are pregnant for 22 months! Can you imagine that? I thought 9 months was long. . .

 She wasn't a fan of the clowns. . .
 Grandpa tried to impress her. . .
 But she loved the elephants and watching them paint. . .

We had a party for her on Saturday (the 9th) for family. She got to go jumping and play with her cousins. When we would ask her to tell people what she got to do for her birthday she would say "Whoa Hoo! I Jump". The kids had a great time.

 The big kids had fun too. . .

 Joel and Thor . . . Thor is Joel's fiance's little boy. I loved him. He is so cute

No party is complete without cake and ice cream. . .

We opened gifts. . .

And got to jump more with our friends . . .
Taylor had a great 2nd birthday! I can't believe how fast 2 years has gone by! Next thing I know she'll be driving and wanting to date boys!


JC Mom said...

Thanks for posting all the pics! Looks like Taylor had a great birthday... Enjoy these years as much as you can because it does go way too fast... Hugs.

Unknown said...

Awww I miss that little face :) I can not wait to see her soon!!! Give her a kiss for me and I'm so bummed I missed her birthday :(

Unknown said...

Ann, you have such a beautiful family. Taylor is absolutely gorgeous, just like you!